Monday, February 27, 2012

Pursue Passion: Demand Google 20% Time at School

Today I read the article Pursue Passion: Demand Google 20% Time at School. It talked about Google's 20% plan and how students should be introduced to  it. Google's 20% plan is to spend 20% of their time at work(equivalent to one work day) pursing what they like. Now, Google wants to bring this to school to prepare students for college. Most students have trouble selecting a major in college because all throughout school we are forced to learn the basics. Teachers don't allow students to follow their passion. Google believes that by allowing students to spend 20% of their school time working on what they love, we can accomplish impossible things and prepare our students for college.  

Personally, I like this idea. It would be good for students to work on things they like. Not only will it allow students to be creative and expressive but it will provide new ideas to fix some of today's problems. This is a great project idea and I believe the younger students it's introduced to, the better.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Waste Land

In class we just finished watching the movie "Waste Land". It was a beautiful movie showing the life  of the trash pickers. Vik Muñizwas able to turn their dirty garbage into a masterpiece and an experience those pickers will never forget.

Overall, I really liked the film. It showed me a kind of living I haven't seen before. before this film, I didn't know people like that existed I just assumed peoples things that weren't recycled like glass or plastic were just put with the trash in landfills. But, that's not the case in Brazil. They may have the largest landfill in the world but that doesn't stop them from doing whats right. The trash pickers pick out things that can be recycled. They spend all day in trash just to be able to support their families. They stay in heaps of smelly trash digging through it and get no credit for what they are dong. They may not get all the recycling materials but they get a lot. Like Valter said, "99 is not 100".

When  I first heard about the film, I could tell it was going to be a great movie and as I watched the movie my mind didn't change. I was able to hear about the lives of the pickers. All of them different, heart-touching stories that made you think about what you have. Watching the film also made me think about much trash I consume and it made me want to change that. I felt bad about how much trash me and my family made and I know it can be lower. Another problem that makes us consume more garbage is the plastic. Almost everything is individually wrapped now a days. Just the other day i got a toy and i had to open three plastic bags just to get to the toy.It's ridiculous.

Vik Muñiz helped the people of Jardim Gramacho by showing them the power of art. He took pictures of them doing their job showing their lives. He then allowed them to make the art. He made a big copy of the picture, and used trash to fill in the empty spots. The trash represented their jobs since they're trash pickers. He the sold the pictures at an auction and gave them part of the profit. Vik also gave them inspiration. He showed them that if they wanted to they could accomplish more than just working with trash.

I think that it's better to have an honest job no matter what it may be rather than a dishonest job. Even if society doesn't approve of your honest job, if they were in your situation they would do the same thing.

I really enjoy watching this film. I  recommend you watch this film.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Looking In(:

Driving home from practice all I could see was snow. I got home and saw the snow falling on the trees perfectly and tried to capture it. This is me "Looking In" through my window(even though the blinds are down) through the tree branches.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I was thinking of what I could use for color while eating cereal when I looked down and saw it in the shape of a heart. I quickly grabbed my phone to take a picture. I love the fact how it randomly shaped a heart so I knew I had to show you guys!